The 10 Best Online Marketing Strategies To Make You A Unicorn

Use your imagination and stay aware of opportunities as you build social media into your marketing mix. CSR should be part of the mix which includes strategy, product development, marketing, finance, HR and management. When CSR is created for PR purposes only, then it becomes greenwashing and spin. The bottom line is that to be successful, CSR has to be embedded in all activities of the company and every employee should be involved in it. Take photos at company events and ask attendees to tag themselves on Facebook. Host events with interactive contests (example: Tweet a photo with the event hashtag to win). Implement hashtag and photo contests on Twitter and Instagram. You’ll need a graphic designer to implement and perhaps a budget and timeline for execution. If you want to grow your business or become successful, you need to incorporate digital marketing in your mainstream business strategies. Visit the links above to learn more about the individual services we provide or contact our internet marketing company today and let us show you what we can do for YOU! Remember, to KISS (keep it simple, silly marketer) the easier you make it for your customers to connect to your brand, the more likely they will be to do so.

Make a checklist of everything, separating online and offline. It will take time, but you have to start somewhere and making a social media integration checklist is a great start. One of the advantages of social marketing is, first and foremost, increased visibility online. This is one of the benefits of Internet marketing to customers. I also know that many of the top named internet marketing “gurus” took offline marketing techniques, adapted them to the internet, and used these techniques to catapult them to success. Know that number and don’t go beyond it. Yes, we know companies want to sell and people want to buy. I will also check out the posts of other people and if I find something of interest there, I will share those as well. Don’t miss out on this limited opportunity or someone else will! Therefore, if you choose to make use of legitimate interest as the basis for reaching out and processing data, then your organization must have a process in place which justifies that act.

Think you don’t have a brand? First, you have to think like a customer: where do they see, touch, hear, and interact with your brand? That’s why we social media marketers invest in fancy analytics tools and software like Exact Target, HootSuite, and Google Analytics to connect the dots. That’s why brands like Sony still spend millions of dollars on branding initiatives that get their name in front of the right people as often as possible. Ask your audience to name your next product, email newsletter, or blog via Twitter. What makes PPC advertising more cost effective and beneficial than traditional advertising is your company only pays for an ad if it is clicked on hence the name Pay Per Click. If your audience consists of more than your local market, utilizing global marketing offers you a great advantage. Spring is here and nothing puts a little pep in your step more than a makeover!

BUT, we really can’t just leave you hanging, so here are the 2 biggest things that make traffic era different from the programs you may be using already. They are usually the most knowledgeable about what tools and technologies your customers are using. There are 3 ways to ensure that your site is mobile friendly:1. SMMW13’s networking cruise. Everyone there shared a passion for social media! Nichole Kelly was there to remind us of the ROI and that the boardroom is looking for proof. In other words, say you wanted your office furniture website to appear at the top of Google’s search results whenever someone searches for “office furniture in London.” Well, the process you would use to make that happen is SEO. What if that Tweet was shared and brought in a new customer that again shared their experience on Facebook and another person liked it and someone they were connected to saw it and went to your website to buy?