Life Isn’t Fair (So What Now?

It was not until the third stage, which started on September 12, 1918, that all men between the ages of 18 and 45 were required to register. Army Recruiting poster calling for young men between the ages of 18 and 21 to volunteer to join the Army. All accounts that I have found state that Mathew Juan used Rivers as his last name because he was too young to join the military at that time. The destination was Le Harve, France where the troops planned to disembark and join the war that was raging on the European Continent. Sitting in the center of the dusty little Arizona town of Sacaton is a small park with a monument to its war dead. As one approaches the park, the large, bold letters on the monument makes it clear that this park is a memorial to those who fought and gave their lives for us. Further, on his Draft Registration Card he gave his age as 25 which was seven years older than the minimum age for enlistment. Further, he indicated on the registration that he was an unemployed laborer. Of course, the big question on his draft registration was his last name, which he gave as Rivers rather than Juan.

Little parks with monuments to those from the town who gave their lives in past wars are not uncommon in the small towns of rural America. In Dystopian societies some oppressive or negative force, or event, has become the dominant factor influencing people’s lives and experiences. As will be seen below, the question as to when Matthew Juan was born is at the center of a mystery that, to this day, still surrounds Matthew Juan’s life story. North Brevard Senior Center. The Rev. D.A. Lay of the Cook Memorial Presbyterian Church along with six native pall bearers and a church chorus went out from Sacaton, met the procession part way and joined it. Since this money is not hard currency, but only a check, they can now loan out 9/10 of that money again under a new loan due to a different law. There are also many trading apps now available but I really got great feedback from these apps. There was probably a greater chance of raising suspicions by exaggerating his age by seven or more years than by giving his correct last name and, if he looked 25 years old, he probably was not under eighteen.

His actions are even more admirable given the fact that his country did not legally recognize him as one of its citizens and therefore did not expect or require him to fight. Given the nuclear arsenal and short fuses we are sitting on in almost every nation, that seems like a miracle in itself. Since it is a high school specializing in agricultural studies some sources, like WikiPedia,appear to have assumed that Mathew attended and graduated high school at the Institute. You only have to read the works of William Shakespeare to realise that! The normal assumption for using an assumed name in this case would be to prevent one’s parents from finding out about the enlistment and contacting the authorities to have the young man discharged and sent home. Home Page of Arizona Military Museum in Phoenix. In September of 1917 he attended the Ringling Brothers Circus which was performing in Phoenix.

There is also no mention of Mathew Juan having joined the circus or of having been underage when he joined the Army. The good people there must rise up and take charge or they are part of the problem and not the solution and we should not support anyone who is part of the problem. The best part is that you can watch all these cable TV programs from any location on the world. WikiPedia article listing, by country, all surviving veterans of World War I. This is a rather short list and contains the name of only one American Veteran. The language in the body of the article uses the following features to inform, entertain and persuade. I hank you for your very well written article. Well stop giving, that is common sense. B. Juan was a Native American born into the Pima tribe on the Gila River Indian Community reservation.

The Sherman Institute itself continues to this day as a highly regarded Native American boarding school. The Sherman Institute opened as a high school for California Indians in 1902. Like its predecessor institution, the Perris Indian School, it was a boarding school run by the Federal Government for Indians. Now, your computer can change the way you like watching television channels too. Yet, as you point out, the sad thing is that human nature does not seem to change much with the years. Human ResourcesTesting has become the backbone of recruitment programs these days. At some point in his young life, Mathew moved to Riverside, California where he was enrolled in the Sherman Institute. When the show left Phoenix, Mathew was one of the workers who left with it. However the name, Matthew B. Juan – Ira H. Hayes Veterans Memorial Park, immediately raises the question of who was Matthew B. Juan?